There is still life in the old dog yet but I think the days of my laptop are numbered :(
After much trying to revive my somewhat broken USB port I have finally got the machince back connected to the internet.
So for the past few days I have been on the PDA which has been so annoying as I cannot post here off that thing.
Anyway after my last post I have moved again back to the house I was in earlier this year and my padded cell :(
It was worth many sacrifices as I can afford things towards my transition now and not forking out on rent all the time. At least I have my own little privacy with the motorhome and the plus is that I don't get disturbed by any of the housemates as none of them talk to me.
Well it seems that like I have been taken for a ride again by friends as they all around here seem to give me a wide birth, even my own mother cannot be bothered to phone me these last couple of weeks and I sure as hell am not going to go chasing them.
Well lets hope and pray this thing can hold out for a little longer.
xxxx Katy