Saturday, 13 September 2008

Waking to a new life

There was more to the events of yesterday than I really let onto. Apart from an industry that I enjoyed many a year at I also got news that the humble home I so grew up in has had consent to be pulled to the ground and re-built. It seems that my mother holds that place closer to her than what she is making out but for me is another cycle of the chain of changing events that is taking place. I had this in a dream as a child and like many of them have over the course of time come true. One of my dreams has hit me more though in the last few seconds and that is of sitting there in my livingroom and looking out over a hill or mountain to which I should be doing right now but the skies have filled and spewed more of that wet stuff to the ground :(

So last night before I went to sleep, I kinda floated around the place I called home for many years and felt that sense of calm that this haunting place was to be no-more and the rising of a new life in 2 totally different countries set my encouragement further.

Thoughts were streaming through my head this morning about my late fathers funeral and ironically now have just realised that it was this exact day and date but a few months difference that we laid the poor chap to rest. Saturday the 13th Feb 1999.

It is also in my head to write to my brother as I have not spoken to him for over 12 months now and after our last interruption he decided in his wisdom to change his mobile number.

Today I am looking at a bit of shopping in Tralee, mainly to find out about a job that I have in mind, but to also put into practice of what I have feared right until recently. I am after a few tops to set myself away from the inbetweeny stuff I bought last year, but have to be careful as rent is due on Monday and this is my last source of cash until I get into work again. Ahhh the joys of it all and who said life wasn't fair ;)


Debbie K said...

Hi Katy
I sometimes wonder if we live at all until we are actually true to our heart. It is the time before we achieve this that takes real courage.You have so much of that it shines through with all the chalenges you have been through. In my humble opinion I love my memories good & bad. Those life experiences shaped me to be who I am now & I do not want to deny my past. We have a new life to look forward. We are bound to suffer knock backs but we can bounce back & carry on taking those little steps. Good luck with the job hunting. Keep beliving in you, my friend.

Lots of love

Micky J said...

Debbie, your words of wisdom shine through once again as what I thought was going to be a good day turned into something pretty ugly which gave me cause for concern. But hey it will work out and is a small little hiccup