Sunday, 26 July 2009


With all the shite that I have been through the last 7 months, one of the worst was my therapy sessions. During theses sessions I broke down and poured my heart out to this guy who claimed he was there to help me, proud to be able to walk with me on my journey and my friend.
All this time what the guy was actually doing was pushing my back into a corner by imaginary boundries. Such issues I have been trying to fight against all my life and here I was being packed into another box and stowed away instead of spreading my wings and soaring like an eagle.
Of course it shattered my confidence totally and have been trying to deal with the issues of picking myself up since.
I have to be honest in saying that I find it very hard to trust people who claim to want to help due to thier lack of understanding towards gender issues.

To date I feel I have made much progress in dealing with the emotional, mental & psyical issues surrounding my condition however there is a big BUT! Again I seem to be falling foul to the thoughts of taking my own life, which I constantly fight on a daily basis. I feel failed by the medical profession and can see no immediate solution to solving the pain I have suffered for many years. Every day now that suffering gets more and more and these days I am just using all my energy to fight suicidal thoughts that I am half tempted to give into now. Why? Cause I'm dammed tired of trying and failing all the time.


Lucie G said...

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. There are not a large number of specially trained experts and I wish for one to help you soar.
Don't give up hope x

Debbie Knight said...
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Debbie K said...

Thinking of you my friend.