Saturday, 26 September 2009

Much to my relief!

This weekend I should have been in the UK for a family reunion & much to my relief I made excuses to get out of it. I've been communicating with my family via skype & by god they're a bundle of laughs. 46 minutes with the phone to my ear & the most boring one-sided conversation with me doing all the talking & finally getting fed up & telling them before hanging up.
See the thing is they call me & say very little, well that's depressing in it's own way but thankfully these days little things like that don't pile up on me and get me down.

It has to be said though that this week things have gone from good to exceptional as the mood lifts back to somewhat a normal to high level & looking forward to a future of the unkown.
Why do I say unknown, because I haven't a clue what I want to do career wise & just enjoying the here & now. Even my transition is just ticking away at it's own pace with little thought barring natural day to day mundane things happening.
I always knew that there would be no miracle feeling of being my true self apart from the freedom from feeling trapped with the burden of my big secret. Now I honestly really don't care what people think of me, I just get on with it. There's no point in tryin to educate people who are too dim to understand, just cast them thoughts aside and do what's normal & then they get the picture ;-)

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