Thursday, 10 December 2009

The waking of a new day.

I'm still in shock this morning as I sit here looking out at the crisp clear winters morning. Christmas came somewhat early for me yesterday with a letter confirming my appointment to see the endocrinologist next year.
Although I have to wait 6 months for this appointment, it's a step in the right direction.
Suddenly life has it's meaning again as I plan to fill my time studying for a new career & hopefully time will pass without too much bother.
Everything is dropping into place nicely & I can't believe after 30 years of physical & mental suffering that it is actually possible for me to have thie life I have been denied.

I really feel at this moment in time that nothing could stand in the way of me & the elation that I feel right now.


1 comment:

Debbie K said...

I am so pleased for you. You have been through so much and deserve to find happiness.
Take care