I haven't reported anything here of late as there has been little to write about but the months of September through to November saw me in hospital again.
I had been prescribed a course of medication which needed to be administered by injection and my medical team this end refused to give me this medication, making up excuses at every turn.
My frustrations were running high and i hit a low which earned me the rights to have an admission for depression again.
Within the first week of being in hospital I found myself in ICU as I had been on a course of medication which totally put me out of my head and had gone off out and had a massive big overdose.
Getting over that and the subsequent weeks were extremely painful for me yet it was a pathway of recovery.
I had an appointment in Dublin where I should have started on my HRT but because of the refusal to give me my first meds, I was put back even further.
I had now another prescription for medication that would be refused to me and was in a city that nobody knew me, so my thoughts were running high of ending it all but seamlessly I made it back to Kerry again ad back to the security of the hospital.
I was promised that this time I could get this medication but excuses were made as to giving to me, so I approached me GP once again who administered the injection. Boy it hurt!
I learned through a third party that my mother had been taken seriously ill and her chances were slim to none. She passed away only a few hours later and because of such a divide between my mental state and bad memories of England, I was unable to get back to the funeral.
All in all a mixed bag of events during November and was dis-charged only 2 weeks ago. The abrupt action taken by my dr was a result of learning that I had my injection which she was totally against until I had been dis-charged from hospital.
Things have smoothed out never-the-less since and my life has taken dramatic leaps for the better. I feel more content within and things that I expect to get me down don't.
Now I have to wait till January to get onto HRT which I cannot wait for and have already made changes to my life and now living in a full-time roll.
Will report more on how things prgress as they do.
xxxx Michaela
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