Saturday, 2 August 2008

A messed up week

It really has been pretty messed up for me this last week. The prospects of a new home and a fresh start triggered fears of this whole transition sent me into a downward spiral. Having spent the majority of the week in the pub, I decided yesterday tp make a break and go for a round of golf. Fat chance of such as the heavy rain that we have had here recently waterlogged the course, so in good Irish spirits I hit the pub "again" and the session lasted a further 8-10 hours. I ave had enough of this right now as I don't seem to have control over my life and have enlisted on some help. No I am not talking public meetings but to chat to those around me who have also been affected by alcohol abuse.

1 comment:

Lucie G said...

You are going the right way toward helping yourself :-)
Hope the golf course drains out.