Thursday, 7 August 2008


It's ambrosia... Dats the foerst of dean talk coming out in me there. The last few days have been living hell for me here but I got through it somehow. Yesterday or Wednesday saw me attend a support group meeting to meet face to face Trans people of all stages and me being the beginning part of it all. Well I realized a few things right there. My focal words of wisdom means Jack squat and remains with me. I realized that these people have feelings the same as me and they get on with their lives now. I still have issues to deal with and willbe sorting them within 24 hours. I a, on a fight and don't give a stuff who gets in my way. I am proud to be who I am and that is something I have never admitted to. Fek the rest, Do what you have to do and if those who are so blind well god help them.

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