Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Here we are again. Kind of getting used to this now. Never was very good at keeping information.

Each day that goes by mow is getting easier and less confusing. I know the direction that I am taking is the right one. The confusion is maily down to thinking totally as Katy and not some false bob mode.

Currently looking back to when this all first started. i must have been about 5 or 6, but even back then knew it was not right, so kept quiet.
It did emerge on occasions when i would opt in pretend games to be female.
A working progress which will report on at times.

Was talking to a lad last night who is "out" about being gay. It was quite amusing as my voice has softened since quitting smoking. He showed signs of being a little interested in my feminine ways.

Got talking about sexuality and he asked straight out if I was gay. I replied that I was TS to which he felt a little uneasy. Not knowing can be like that, trying to understand can make things worse. Nevermind, he was sooo sweet about it.

I am kind of now liking my new role. however the demand from my other housemate, can be quite frustrating at times. He is led on the couch now where he has been all night watching tele. I want to hoover up and do some polishing, but know how mmody he can be if woke suddenly. But wont be for long as I am now looking for my own girly pad.

Pink seems to be my in color at the moment, but might not stretch that far with the decor of my new place. Going to have a look later as to what is about.

That will be the time that Katy emerges fully. It will get people used to her and in time will get them to accept her.

Well, I am not going to pass this lovely weather up today, so going now for a nice stroll in the park.


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