Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Wednesday afternoon.
Been out this morning with my mate, who decided that I had been down for too long and needed to see some countryside. I was great, but on returning, kinda went blank and forgot exactly where I was. I decided to take a bit of a walk down the road and back home, but felt very much exposed and open to attack. Living within my safe haven of my 4 walls this last week has not done me any favors.
I am heading away tomorrow back to the UK and need to feel safe in traveling.
Although still bob, Katy has uncertainties in coping with life on the street but needs to overcome this fear which I know in time, she will.

Whilst on my walk, I passed a few males and had a little chuckle to myself thinking of their primate species thumping along with their long arms drooping in front of them. I am now conscious of the finesse within my walk and the fact that I need to improve my posture while walking and most definitely sitting. Again I tend to slouch from time to time and this is not lady like. People are starting to recognize that me voice is changing slightly and getting softer and quieter. I no longer need to bellow to be heard.

Wilst out, I had a delivery which I have to collect form the orting office later. My pink top has arrived yeah :-) I ma now getting out of the neutral blacks to something more bright and chirpy.

Still contemplating doing the season In smart Katy clothes, but will have to chat to my boss and the tour-guides about this. It might be easier for all if I were just to ride this wave and wait for the calm at the end of the season.

I have decided to meet up with another lass in Limerick to go ad have a bit of a shopping spree. After reading a post from her last night, got concerned and decided to take action by giving out my number. I just feel so sorry for those in transition that all of a sudden have doubts. It is not a light subject to deal with after all and the lack of compassion shown by the general public can destroy confidence.

As mentioned, I am off away tomorrow and looking forward to going and buying some makeup. I have decided to take the financial spending easy for the moment until I get back to work. Still then, need to save as I have a lot of cost coming up within the next few years.

Ok, enough from me at the moment.
Will post when I get back

xxx Katy xxx

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