Saturday, 9 February 2008

Yesterday was the hardest day of my life so far. Not only was I low About my dad, but seemed that all the demons of my past came back and hit me in the face.
Most of the day, was confined to my room, it was not a good idea to even go into the kitchen, as I just broke down without reason.
I am actually now glad that I did not make my trip back to England as I would have probably done something with severe consequences.

I spoke to a few people, but however their words of comfort and wisdom, just did not want to take it in.

Most of the day, I was on the angels website chatting (when I could) and tanks to all especially Jennifer, for those kind words of wisdom. I am not the kind of woman who seeks attention, always try and deal with things the best I can. But look where that has got me up until now.

More positive thoughts are streaming through my head today but still feel a little emotional.

I was contemplating a walk later to clear my head a little, but not a good idea in the given circumstances. I just want to be around those who I feel comfortable and not the rest of the cruel world who makes me feel rejected.

I was talking to my friend last night and the concerned look in his face wanted to find out what was wrong. I bottled it despite telling him once when I first moved here. I just did not want to create a scene.

Ok, peeps, thats all for the mo'


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