Sunday, 13 April 2008

Cocktails & Dreams

Was watching an old favorite on the telly last night Cocktail. This was until Tom Cruise became a freak and got into his stupid religion.
While watching, I realized that I had visions of success and challenges of running my own company. I could do it now and probably make a success of it too, however in the forefront of my mind is the fact that I have also got a lifestyle change in working progress too which could interfere.
I have put my ideas forward to my boss who seems very interested and have a meeting later on today. What he doesn't realize is the fact that I will not be partaking in the activity and would merely settle for anything in the line of shop work. Less scrutiny, less stress and hassle. I had the grey hairs to prove that from before. Ooo on about which, they need touching up again shortly.

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