Friday, 18 April 2008

Drink, drugs & life in general

Ok must admit I don't take drugs anymore. The odd spliff used to suffice however i have found the root of all evil is Drink. It leads us into this sense of false security in many ways than one. Tonight I feel more alone than I ever have of opening up to the world of my so called "Friends" Yes I have been drinking, but walked away with the kind words of wisdom from my female housemate who appreciates nothing but herself.
Ok I am scared over my transition but am in full mind and spirits now and can appreciate the subtleties of being where I am today. Not making much sense, well let me sleep on that one, but for the moment I am still alive and not changing her name, whilst the shock may be for some it is not for me. I am going on no matter. FATE maybe, destiny UNKNOWN! Kinda exciting Hmmm but for the mo' will remain in limbo.

xxxx KJ xxxxx

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