Thursday, 10 April 2008

It has hit me with regards to yesterdays post on what is different. My whole mental state is now coming back into balance. I woke just now after having a dream of me wearing my pink PJ bottoms out with a gray cardie and everyone was taking the mick m=out of me. Hmmm not the type of thing that wants to be done at the best of times. But in all fairness I feel ready now to conquer my missing and have reached the peak of that milestone mountain and present en femme, but going to have to wait a little longer as I am going to have some mini RLE's in Dublin when I can ever get the chance to.

I have been exploited enough throughout my life and always thought people look down on me and laugh just like my brother did when I was a kid. This I think is the reason for bottling things up inside for so long.

xx Katy xx

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