Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Posting at the Angels website

Not something I can really be bothered to do at the moment. I have had a few setbacks with my health this week and remain in good spirits. However if I even looked at some of the threads there would only make me feel depressed. I am carrying on with my life and feel that the daunting task that lies ahead with transitioning must be met with a positive attitude. It seems that some of the people in the UK depending on NHS funding are soo wraped up in postings about PCT funding, which lets face it is going to be questioned as this is such a costly procedure. Just imagine who they would or not cope with funding the would thing like I have. Hmmmm perish the thought.
Well I cannot speak ill of the forum as it has helped me a lot and have gotten some pretty good friends from there now. I just feel now that I want to advance with my life, but this is not happening. Hey but will soon rocket into hyperdrive.

Sleepy bye time now :)

xxx M xxx

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