Sunday, 27 April 2008

A big lesson learned

Yesterday I had to sit back and witness someone attempt to that their life. Thankfully the overdose of pills made her vomit badly and with the quick thinking of one girl who remembered where she worked called the company and was able to get an ambulance and inform her partner. This is the long suffering that TS's go through and even on the face of it looking rosy, deep down it still hurts like hell.

I have had the same feelings on many occasions and recently as posted here. However you kind of learn to live with the fact and over the past few months I have become a stronger person. I have come to accept that I have only one direction to take to free myself and not to live life wondering what it would have been like.
Now onto the next stage of this transition comes the putting into action stuff. Ok I have a long 6 months ahead to prepare for living FT and to start the courses of treatment needed to reverse my male features that have for so long been a hindrance in my life. Yet with all this comes and element of sadness, putting behind a life that for many years I have lived with and coped with the falseness of knowingly been different.

1 comment:

Lucie G said...

I hope they're ok.
I don't have the figures to hand but ts suicides are far above the national average.
You will be a stronger person at the end but I dont underestimate how bloody tough it is / will be.
There are many good people able and willing to help.